Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder (May 2008)
Dissertation: Analytical and Numerical Advances in Radial Basis Functions
Advisor: Professor Bengt Fornberg
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder (May 2005)
Dissertation: Analytical and Numerical Advances in Radial Basis Functions
Advisor: Professor Bengt Fornberg
M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder (May 2005)
"Computation of Fractional Derivatives of Analytic Functions", Numerical Analysis in the 21st Century, Numerical Analysis in the 21st Century, in honor of Nick Trefethen's retirement from Oxford, Oxford, August 16th 2023. [Plenary Speaker]
"Modeling SARS-CoV-2 Spreading on University Campuses", ACS Spring 2021, 5 April 2021.[Invited Speaker]
"A Fast Radial Basis Functions Method for Solving Partial Differential Equations on Arbitrary Surfaces", Virtual International Conference on Physical Science (SVNIT) Surat, February 6th 2021.[Invited Speaker]
“RBFs for Solving PDEs on Arbitrary Surfaces”, Online International Workshop on Radial Basis Functions, Iran, 16–19 June 2020.[Invited Speaker]
“Advances on Embedding Methods for Solving PDEs on Arbitrary Surfaces using RBFs”, CSE, Spokane, USA, March 2019.
“The Fast RBF OGr methods for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, ICOSAHOM, London, UK, July 2018.
“The Fast RBF OGr methods for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, Applied Math Seminar, Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences, Claremont McKenna College, CA, November 13th, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
“The Fast RBF OGr methods for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, SCAN Seminar, Cornell, October 30th, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
“The RBF-FD method applied to two problems: Groundwater Flow Modelling and Solving PDEs on Arbitrary Surfaces.”, Localized Kernel-Based Meshless Methods for Partial Differential Equations, ICERM, August 8th, 2017.
“RBF methods for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, Workshop on Numerical Methods for PDEs on Surfaces, Loon Lake, Vancouver, Canada, June 12th 2017.
“Frames for Bypassing the Runge Phenomenon”, Numerical Analysis Group Internal Seminar, Mathematical Institute, Oxford, UK, May 8th 2017.
“The fast radial basis functions orthogonal gradients method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, NUMTA2016, Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, Pizzo Calabro, June 21st 2016.
“The fast radial basis functions orthogonal gradients method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, 15th International Conference in Approximation Theory, San Antonio, Texas, May 23rd 2016.
"The fast radial basis functions orthogonal gradients method for solving PDEs on arbitrary posters surfaces", Colloquium of the Applied Mathematics Department, September 2015, CU Boulder, USA
"The fast radial basis functions orthogonal gradients method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces", New Directions in Numerical Computation, 25-28 August 2015: In Celebration of Nick Trefethen's 60th Birthday, Oxford, UK
"An RBF-based Frames Strategy for Bypassing the Runge Phenomenon", SIAM Conference on Computational Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, March 2015
"An RBF-based Frames Strategy for Bypassing the Runge Phenomenon", Simon Fraser University, Scientic Computing Seminar, Vancouver, Canada, December 2014
"A RBF Method For Solving fractional partial dierential equations in one and two spatial dimensions", Mathematical and numerical modeling in nance, Mittag-Leer Institute, Djursholm, Sweden, June 2014
"A fast radial basis functions method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces", ICOSAHOM, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, June 2014
"A RBF Method For Solving fractional partial dierential equations in one and two spatial dimensions", ICOSAHOM, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, June 2014
"A fast radial basis functions method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces", 8th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Paris, France, June 2014
"A Novel Radial Basis Functions Method for Solving Fractional Diusion Equations", SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 8th 2013
“A radial basis functions method for solving fractional diffusion equations”, TDB departmental Seminar, University of Uppsala, September 25th, 2012
"The orthogonal gradients method: A radial basis functions method for solving partial differential equations on arbitrary surfaces", Computational Mathematics and Applications seminar, University of Oxford, May 3rd, 2012
“Mesh and CAD Repair Based on Parametrizations with Radial Basis Functions”, 20th International Meshing Roundtable, Paris, October 23-26, 2011
“Solving Partial Differential Equations on Arbitrary Surfaces using the Radial Basis Functions Method”, Seminars in Systems and Control, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La- Neuve, May 2011
“A Novel Multilevel Iterative Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Scheme for Solving Elliptic Equations”, 7th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Avignon, France, June 2010
“A new Radial Basis Functions (RBF)-based Ghost Fluid Method”, Duke University, NC, USA, March 2010
“Overcoming the Gibbs Phenomenon Using The Ghost Layer Method”, University of Oxford, UK, November 2009
“Overcoming the Gibbs Phenomenon Using a Modified Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Method”, 23rd Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2009
“The Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Method applied to solving partial differential equations (PDEs) on the surface of the sphere”, Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, October 2008
“La Méthode des Fonctions de Base Radiale appliquée à l’équation d’advection sur la sphère”, Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix à Namur, Namur, Belgium, May 2008
“On Choosing a Radial Basis Function and a Shape Parameter When Solving a Convective PDE on a Sphere”, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Student Poster Conference, Boulder, CO, October 2007 [Poster]
“The Role of the Shape Parameter for Different RBF Methods When Solving a Convective- Type PDE”, 22nd Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Dundee, Scotland, June 2007
“The RBF-QR Method”, SIAM meeting (Grad Student Chapter), Boulder, CO, February 2007
“Locality Properties of RBF Expansion Coefficients”, 6th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Avignon, France, June 2006
"Modeling SARS-CoV-2 Spreading on University Campuses", ACS Spring 2021, 5 April 2021.[Invited Speaker]
"A Fast Radial Basis Functions Method for Solving Partial Differential Equations on Arbitrary Surfaces", Virtual International Conference on Physical Science (SVNIT) Surat, February 6th 2021.[Invited Speaker]
“RBFs for Solving PDEs on Arbitrary Surfaces”, Online International Workshop on Radial Basis Functions, Iran, 16–19 June 2020.[Invited Speaker]
“Advances on Embedding Methods for Solving PDEs on Arbitrary Surfaces using RBFs”, CSE, Spokane, USA, March 2019.
“The Fast RBF OGr methods for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, ICOSAHOM, London, UK, July 2018.
“The Fast RBF OGr methods for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, Applied Math Seminar, Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences, Claremont McKenna College, CA, November 13th, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
“The Fast RBF OGr methods for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, SCAN Seminar, Cornell, October 30th, 2017. [Invited Speaker]
“The RBF-FD method applied to two problems: Groundwater Flow Modelling and Solving PDEs on Arbitrary Surfaces.”, Localized Kernel-Based Meshless Methods for Partial Differential Equations, ICERM, August 8th, 2017.
“RBF methods for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, Workshop on Numerical Methods for PDEs on Surfaces, Loon Lake, Vancouver, Canada, June 12th 2017.
“Frames for Bypassing the Runge Phenomenon”, Numerical Analysis Group Internal Seminar, Mathematical Institute, Oxford, UK, May 8th 2017.
“The fast radial basis functions orthogonal gradients method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, NUMTA2016, Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms, Pizzo Calabro, June 21st 2016.
“The fast radial basis functions orthogonal gradients method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces”, 15th International Conference in Approximation Theory, San Antonio, Texas, May 23rd 2016.
"The fast radial basis functions orthogonal gradients method for solving PDEs on arbitrary posters surfaces", Colloquium of the Applied Mathematics Department, September 2015, CU Boulder, USA
"The fast radial basis functions orthogonal gradients method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces", New Directions in Numerical Computation, 25-28 August 2015: In Celebration of Nick Trefethen's 60th Birthday, Oxford, UK
"An RBF-based Frames Strategy for Bypassing the Runge Phenomenon", SIAM Conference on Computational Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, March 2015
"An RBF-based Frames Strategy for Bypassing the Runge Phenomenon", Simon Fraser University, Scientic Computing Seminar, Vancouver, Canada, December 2014
"A RBF Method For Solving fractional partial dierential equations in one and two spatial dimensions", Mathematical and numerical modeling in nance, Mittag-Leer Institute, Djursholm, Sweden, June 2014
"A fast radial basis functions method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces", ICOSAHOM, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, June 2014
"A RBF Method For Solving fractional partial dierential equations in one and two spatial dimensions", ICOSAHOM, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, June 2014
"A fast radial basis functions method for solving PDEs on arbitrary surfaces", 8th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Paris, France, June 2014
"A Novel Radial Basis Functions Method for Solving Fractional Diusion Equations", SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 8th 2013
“A radial basis functions method for solving fractional diffusion equations”, TDB departmental Seminar, University of Uppsala, September 25th, 2012
"The orthogonal gradients method: A radial basis functions method for solving partial differential equations on arbitrary surfaces", Computational Mathematics and Applications seminar, University of Oxford, May 3rd, 2012
“Mesh and CAD Repair Based on Parametrizations with Radial Basis Functions”, 20th International Meshing Roundtable, Paris, October 23-26, 2011
“Solving Partial Differential Equations on Arbitrary Surfaces using the Radial Basis Functions Method”, Seminars in Systems and Control, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-La- Neuve, May 2011
“A Novel Multilevel Iterative Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Scheme for Solving Elliptic Equations”, 7th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Avignon, France, June 2010
“A new Radial Basis Functions (RBF)-based Ghost Fluid Method”, Duke University, NC, USA, March 2010
“Overcoming the Gibbs Phenomenon Using The Ghost Layer Method”, University of Oxford, UK, November 2009
“Overcoming the Gibbs Phenomenon Using a Modified Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Method”, 23rd Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Glasgow, Scotland, June 2009
“The Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Method applied to solving partial differential equations (PDEs) on the surface of the sphere”, Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, October 2008
“La Méthode des Fonctions de Base Radiale appliquée à l’équation d’advection sur la sphère”, Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix à Namur, Namur, Belgium, May 2008
“On Choosing a Radial Basis Function and a Shape Parameter When Solving a Convective PDE on a Sphere”, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Student Poster Conference, Boulder, CO, October 2007 [Poster]
“The Role of the Shape Parameter for Different RBF Methods When Solving a Convective- Type PDE”, 22nd Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Dundee, Scotland, June 2007
“The RBF-QR Method”, SIAM meeting (Grad Student Chapter), Boulder, CO, February 2007
“Locality Properties of RBF Expansion Coefficients”, 6th International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Avignon, France, June 2006